Community News

Community Initiatives: Deep Ellum Business Grants

Part of what makes Deep Ellum so incredibly unique amongst other Dallas districts is the concentration of independent businesses and mom-and-pop shops. Since being founded in 1873, Deep Ellum has always been a welcoming place for entrepreneurs, go-getters, and dreamers to launch the projects they are passionate about. In order to sustain and encourage this growth in the future, as well as in the face of challenges such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Deep Ellum Foundation (DEF) has launched a grants program that helps put resources back into the business community of the neighborhood. 

Each year, DEF invests financial resources into related endeavors within the boundaries of the Deep Ellum District that will serve and better the community as a whole. Part of these resources go towards sustaining and growing both the Inviting Environment Matching Fund and Authentic, Unique, Vibrant Community Grant. These funding opportunities support local stakeholders in improving the built environment and in activating the neighborhood with unique offerings that draw people to Deep Ellum. Starting in 2020-2021, DEF has also launched a COVID Pivot Fund designed to support the local stakeholders striving to reposition their businesses or remain viable and keep their customers and staff safe as COVID-19 continues to impact the neighborhood as a whole. 

Throughout 2020, neighborhood stalwarts such as AllGood Cafe, Blade Craft Barber Academy, and DoubleWide applied and received grants that helped them achieve goals that would have otherwise been difficult to obtain. Any Deep Ellum Business interested in applying for a grant may learn more about the process by reading through the application!

Deep Ellum Team
Author: Deep Ellum Team